Education & Tools


Navigating PAH Pathways

Knowledge. Understanding. Empowerment.

Navigating PAH Pathways is an interactive, educational, online program specifically created for patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Each program is led by a PAH practitioner.

Life with PAH can be challenging. Learning about PAH shouldn’t be.

Attend a free educational webinar to learn more.

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PAH Companion withMe offers 24/7 access to disease state educations including tips to manage your PAH and downloadable resources — all in one place.

PAH Companion is not intended to provide medical advice, replace a treatment plan you receive from your healthcare team or serve as a reason to start or stay on treatment.

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Support Organizations

Visit these organizations specializing in PAH educational information and connection including national and local events.

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Managing PAH can be challenging. Between medications, appointments, and activities, it can be easy to lose track of it all. Care4Today® Connect is a tool designed specifically for patients like you to help you:

  • Understand your condition and take actionable steps toward improving your physical and mental health
  • Keep track of medical appointments and medications
  • Monitor important aspects of your health, including your activity level, fluid intake, weight, functional class, and more
  • Share how you’re tracking towards your goals to have more productive conversations with your healthcare team
  • Some healthcare professionals treating PAH may be able to see information shared in the app for people who opt in. Ask your doctor if they can connect to your information so they can better understand how your PAH affects you
Care4Today® has resources customized for people with PAH like you!

Use the access code “PAH” when you sign up to view a library of information and tips for living with PAH, tracking tools specifically for you, and more.

Download Care4Today® Connect from the Apple App Store, Google Play, or visit Enter the access code “PAH” at sign-up.


About PAH

icon arrw dropdownWhat is PAH?

Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH, WHO Group 1) is a serious condition that creates high blood pressure in the arteries of your lungs. It makes it difficult for blood to flow through your lungs, which can force your heart to work harder than normal. PAH has no cure and gets worse over time.

icon arrw dropdownHow does PAH happen?

There are several causes of PAH that have been identified, including connective tissue disease (CTD), congenital heart defects (CHD), liver disease, and other health conditions. When the cause is unknown, as is most common, the disease is referred to as idiopathic PAH.

It is also possible for gene mutations that cause PAH to be passed down, which is known as heritable PAH. Certain medicines and narcotics have also been found to cause the disease.

icon arrw dropdownHow is PAH diagnosed?

Right heart catheterization is needed for a conclusive diagnosis. PAH symptoms often resemble those of other heart and lung conditions, so doctors typically eliminate the possibility of these other diseases when evaluating for PAH.

icon arrw dropdownWhat are the symptoms of PAH?

The strain PAH puts on your heart and lungs can cause symptoms like chest pain, shortness of breath, feeling tired, swollen ankles or legs, and dizziness.

icon arrw dropdownHow common is PAH?

PAH is a rare disease, but researchers differ on how to properly determine the true incidence of PAH. However, some estimates suggest that between 500 and 1000 new cases of idiopathic PAH are diagnosed each year in the US.

icon arrw dropdownCan COVID cause PAH?

While it has been suggested that PAH could be a consequence of COVID-19, there is currently no data to confirm a causal relationship. Not all causes of PAH are known.

icon arrw dropdownWho is at risk of PAH?

PAH can affect anyone, but it is most common in women, non-Hispanic Black people, and people over the age of 75.

Treating PAH

icon arrw dropdownHow is PAH treated?

Small blood vessels in your lungs produce 3 substances that make up the foundational pathways: nitric oxide, endothelin, and prostacyclin. The right balance of these subtances enables red blood cells to flow freely through the lungs and carry oxygen to the rest of the body. Treatments for PAH may target one or more of these or other pathways in order to restore balance.

When you have PAH, 1 or more of these substances becomes out of balance. Currently, there is no test available to determine which substance needs to be adjusted. Some patients may benefit from treatment addressing more than 1 pathway.

icon arrw dropdownWhat are the three foundational pathways?

PAH can cause imbalances in three naturally occurring substances in your body - nitric oxide, endothelin, and prostacyclin.

icon arrw dropdownIs there a cure for PAH?

PAH can be managed with medication, but there is currently no cure.

icon arrw dropdownWhat types of doctors treat PAH?

Most doctors who treat patients with PAH are cardiologists or pulmonologists. Your care team may also include a primary care physician, respiratory therapist, and other healthcare practitioners.

icon arrw dropdownCan PAH be reversed?

PAH is a progressive disease, which means that it gets worse over time. However, when effective medical interventions are taken, the symptoms of PAH can become more manageable.



6-Minute Walk Test (6MWT)

The six-minute walk test (6MWT) is used as a simple measure of aerobic exercise ability. During this test, your provider will monitor you as you walk at a normal pace for six minutes and this may be used to help evaluate response to treatment.

